Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Reason for the Season

The corporate commercialization of Labor Day is out of control. Honestly, it used to be that you wouldn’t see Labor Day decorations or gifts until after Independence Day but now they are popping up right after Memorial Day! Shame on you!

Have we forgotten the Knights of Labor or the Chicago Haymarket Riot of 1886? Maybe it’s about time that we put the Central Labor Union back into our Labor Day?

It is just heartbreaking to think that future generations may never know about the Affiliates of the International Workingmen’s Association and their fight for the eight-hour workday.

I don’t know about you but I’m going to take this day to drink a fine glass of Labor Day Egg Nog, sit my children down, read to them Federal Congressional Governmental Act of Congress #39845522007/94, and send them off to bed with the promise, “If you’re good President Cleveland will bring you an Executive Memorandum too.”

Why can’t we celebrate the cooperative socialist spirit of Labor Day throughout the year?

This is my dream America; together we can make it happen.


Kristy or Josh said...


Joe said...

I am with you commrade Logan!

Greg said...

I agree

bbond said...

See - isn't history fun! If all those numbers and names and documents are true, they are what make this post amawsomazing!