Sunday, November 25, 2007

What if they thought what I thought?

In a perfect world they would.


Logg said...

In my defense, I really have nothing personally against marching bands, besides that they are boring, ridiculously dressed, and in the case of BYU's band, play the same two routines throughout the entire football season.

Kristy or Josh said...

Ya know what I bet he is actually thinking? "This is way better than a Rusty Trombone cause my breath doesn't stink afterwards"

Unknown said...

I don't know if I mentioned before that I love you.... but I do. And member how we are neighbors.. and you never visit...that's all.

Joe said...

School bands are a funny thing. At my high school, the marching band consisted of the kids in my seminary class who also sang in the choir and who played Magic: The Gathering during lunch. Great kids though.

But on my mission I learned that the marching bands at other schools consisted of all the cool kids! Crazy stuff

However, I do get goose bumps every time they play the Star Wars tune

Emily Kimball said...

Hey, this is the website I was telling you about. I once befriended an entire computer support office of the Chemistry department. They opened my eyes to a world of geeky online stuff. You might appreciate a few of the comics, although I think that a lot of yours are better.